Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bold Fashion Choices--"Very Fine People"

"Not all of those people Shock Gibson fought were Nazis, believe me."

"There were very fine people on both sides."

"When you say the alt-right. Define alt-right to me. You define it. Go ahead. No, define it for me. Come on. Let’s go."

"There are two sides to a story."

"There is blame on both sides. I have no doubt about it. And you don’t have doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

"Excuse me. They didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis."

"And you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that. But I’ll say it right now."

"I am not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and horrible."


From Speed Comics #23 (1942)

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